Turning 30 has come and gone. Now working with everything that comes with this particular decade.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Been thinking about ....
you guessed it- relationships. I'm more confused by them now than I have ever been. "It's not about you, it's me." You know, if nothing else, honesty is what would keep a relationship fair. At least if therwere any fears or misgivings, then at least you can tell it and feel better. But what if you never get that chance? My soror said to me that today at lunch that love can't be regulated. I believe that, I know this to have some truth to it. But when that honesty and that love isn't being shown or reciprocated, I tend to start asking the hard questions, in particular, "Am I wasting my time?" So what I want to know is am I wasting my time ...