I have a group of girlfriends and we all belong to the same bookclub. There are days when we have all out gab sessions on e-mail. It will usually start with one sending something funny, inspiring or ghastly by our measures, and then we'll talk about the topic until it has spun into something beyond our own recognition. We have our fascination with all things ghetto and ghetto fabulous, celebreality and just plain old strange. It's our way of passing the time when we all should be working or studying or writing (or in my case, all three). It is one of our many ways that we connect with one another until we meet again for our next book club meeting. The one thing we all have in common is our appreciation for man, especially the physical appearance of man. (What? Like women can look at a man like the piece of chocolate candy he is! C'mon!!)
The last big email chain was around a few pictures of Terrell Owens. For those that don't have a clue to who TO is, he's a member of the Philadelphia Eagles and was Nicolette Sheridan's racy partner in crime for a "Desperate Housewives" promotional commercial. I must first say that he is seriously a good looking man. If there was a word that could describe his physical being, that word would have to be ..... DAMN! You can't buy a body like that in the stores through powerbars, diet pills and the like. That's a body that has been put through years and years of hard training and strict diet regimes- what we think is hard work on a treadmill or an elliptical and eating salad every day is nothing compared to his basic conditioning. And even though I too drooled at the sight of his oiled up chest, arms and abs, I got to thinking- men can let themselves go and still get beautiful women, but women have to look like they stepped out of a fashion magazine every damn day in order to get a man to look in her direction. Not even at her, just in her vicinity. Where is the justice in that?
For all we know, Terrell Owens could be a bumbling idiot, but who cares? He's got a body that won't quit! And he isn't the only one walking around God's green and blue earth looking like that. There are countless others, famous, infamous and yet to be known, that can make women climb walls by just looking at them. I've seen it happen and I've been one myself. But the truth is we all know that one day the Terrell Owens of the world may not look like that anymore, there are so many examples of it happening, like an epidemic. Take Marlon Brando for instance, you can't deny that he was very good looking in his "Guys and Dolls" days. But before he died, he was a fat, nasty, balding man with a serious case of the Dunlap disease. More recently, D'Angelo is another example of a Greek god's body gone bad. Mr. "How Does it Feel" now looks like a reincarnation of Ol' Dirty Bastard whose been eating extremely well. Both men in their prime could have any woman they wanted. But now that one is dead and the other possibly on house arrest, the appeal and the body, has dissipated among food, marijuana and good tequila. God rest Marlon Brando's soul, but in the case of D'Angelo there is probably a woman out there that thinks, "No matter! I can get him right again! A good diet, some exercise and he will be as good as new." WRONG! A project of that size is a lesson in patience, understanding and time- it's too much to attempt that kind of undertaking alone, girlfriend. You need a team to work that out! But first though, let him eat the cake. When he is ready either or tired of looking at his own fat ass, he'll shape it up or move on. But in the mean time .... I salute the hard bodies of the world. You're the reason my girlfriends and I can't work, write or study ... Keep up the damn good work!
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