Friday, May 13, 2005

Making the most of the downtime

I'm sure most people have heard the phrase "make the most of your downtime" because it is during the downtime that you get to do what it is that you want to do. I'm hoping that maybe this time around I will effectively utilize my downtime to do what it is I want and need to do. For example, I have to make sure that whatever I do, I can keep on moving. I have to keep up with my work for graduate school. Even though it is only one class this semester, I have a ton of writing and reading that needs to be done. I've been effective in using my downtime in getting my body right through working out- hey I think I am doing well working out five days a week and I am trying to add a sixth day. I have pilates twice a week and weight training three times a week, so I'm doing good. I'm also trying to get my mind sharp again. I mean I do have school that will help out in this, but I'm reading other things than just things for school. I'm reading Vogue, Essence, Oprah, etc. I'm working on getting me together during this downtime. I'm even contemplating learning another language or even picking up an instrument that I started playing as a child. The whole reason for this is to get me rewired, realign my brain with good thoughts, strong thoughts. I don't want the rest of my 20's to be about me finding love and being in a relationship that will turn into marriage. That should be the least of my worries. I should focus on getting right. No I take that back, because there s no should in this diva's vocabulary. I am focused on getting right and getting right is going to get me to where I need to be in life.


Anonymous said...

You know often times when we spend time working on being the best that we can simply be, good things come naturally to us in time. I believe we all find ourselves at times feeling....well...not ourselves :) And so the journey begins toward replinishing our drive, focus, spirit, etc... I applaud your effort - it can only do you good and those around you as well ;) There's a lot more things to live for beyond love but love for ourselves makes life worth living and worth others living in it. God speed and blessing to you my friend...

EverReady said...

Thank you Coach ;) You're support means the world to me.